Publishing using Microsoft ® FrontPage ®

Microsoft ® FrontPage ® is a special software for publishing web sites. To use all its features fully, you need to use it with Microsoft ® FrontPage ® subdomain. For more information on how to create a Microsoft ® FrontPage ® subdomain please see the section called “Regular and Microsoft FrontPage subdomains”.


Microsoft ® FrontPage ® is only suitable for small sites. Medium to heavy sites (more than approximately 100 pages) will consume too much server resources. Please consider splitting your site to multiple subdomains or do not use Microsoft ® FrontPage ® to build your site.

To publish using Microsoft ® FrontPage ® client, you will need a username and password pair. This username and password is not the same as your account password or FTP password. To change password used by Microsoft ® FrontPage ® subdomain do the following steps.

  1. Log on to SiteManager if you haven't already logged on.

  2. Go to FrontPage menu to list all your Microsoft ® FrontPage ® subdomains.

  3. Click password to change password for the respective Microsoft ® FrontPage ® subdomain. On the next screen you will be asked to input the password.

To publish using Microsoft ® FrontPage ® use the username 'administrator' with the password you already set on the steps above.


Under any circumstances do not attempt to upload or modify web files residing on a Microsoft ® FrontPage ® subdomain without using Microsoft ® FrontPage ® client. Doing so could result in a catastrophic loss of data!

If you found problems with your Microsoft ® FrontPage ® subdomain, you can try to reinstall the Microsoft ® FrontPage ® extension. To do that perform the same steps above, but click on reinstall instead of password.

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